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Writer's pictureCassie Hsu

Virtual Club Activities

As the unexpectedly virtual school year comes to an end, here are a few fun activities that your club can complete online!

Virtual Meeting Games:

  • A Fun Kahoot

    • A few days before a scheduled meeting, ask members to update the host of the meeting (President or Advisor) on what they have been up to during quarantine. This can be through a Google Form with specific questions or just a simple email request. Then, once all members have participated, create a Kahoot out of it!

For example, questions might be similar to “How many members have cooked a new recipe during quarantine?” or “Which officer made a cake 3 days ago?”

The host will need to share their screen during the meeting and members will need a computer to attend the meeting and their phone to answer the questions.

  • The Deserted Island Scenario

    • Announce to members that they have been deserted on an island. Give them a list of some random items and they must choose which three they would bring and why.

Virtual Service Activity:

  • Encouraging Words

    • Reach out to the administration office of your local hospital and/or senior care center by phone or email and ask if you can send them pictures of encouraging cards made by students to be printed and hung up around the facility to keep people inspired.

Members can create a card with encouraging words and thanks, take a picture of it, and send it to the club President or Advisor.

Once all of the cards have been collected, email them to the hospital/senior care center!

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