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Writer's pictureNidhi Charagundla

The Power of Key Club

Written By: Milla Eldridge, LTG of Division 15

Key Club impacts members all around the world, follow the journey of this Key Clubber!

The Kindness of Its Members

I knew about Key Club freshman year and some of my friends that joined said that it was a really fun, collaborative, and feel-good club. At the start of sophomore year, I decided to give Key Club a chance. At the first meeting I attended in September, I was welcomed with open arms by the president and other officers. They introduced me to the rest of the Club and I felt a kindness that many other Clubs at my school did not have. Other Clubs main focus’s are fundraising or competitions at their spring conferences. Key Club was different; there were no competitions pitting members against each other or monitory or prize incentives. Key Club made me feel like my attendance and service was appreciated.

Simple Service Projects

Participating in service projects was very easy and simple. There was a master list and sign up sheet of all the service projects happening that semester. My friend and I did our first service project together, which was a road-side cleanup helping our local Kiwanis Club. Picking up trash on the side of the road doesn’t sound like the most glamorous task, but volunteering with my new Key Club colleagues made it worth it. Other service opportunities offered to us were volunteering at our local Human Society and reading with children at the public library. Acts of service like these really strengthened my relationship with volunteering and Key Club.

Thanks Giving Food Drive

My favorite service project was the Thanksgiving Food Drive for one of our local churches. First, Key Club held a school-wide donation drive asking students and teacher to donated canned and non-perishable foods. Then, we helped church members organize and bag the food for easy delivery. Finally, a couple days before Thanksgiving, Key Club members handed out the bags of food at the church, and some members drove to individual houses to deliver bags of food. That day, I realized my love for volunteering and serving my community; Key Club was the club for me.

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