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Writer's pictureKimberly Pacheco

SLC Recap: Anywhere, Service is There!

Written by: Adam Chitalwala, LTG of Division 14 and Camila Fernandez, LTG of Division 6

Adam Chitalwala:

As your Lieutenant Governor of Division 14, I can say that this 2024 SLC was amazing. I am so glad that so many of you came down to attend and participate in the Service & Leadership Conference for Georgia. This conference for this year was super fun filled with many workshops, and events. Between the Pie in the face fundraiser, to the Governor balls, to even the awards banquet. Personally, I got to learn more about leadership, and what Key Club actually does. This cured for an opportunity also, for new Key Clubbers to enjoy a fun and relaxing time to either visit the workshops and learn about leadership or enjoy the Governors Ball and have the party of your lifetime. SLC made me realize that Key Club has an even bigger impact than I've ever thought, and using these skills from SLC I can aid in this mission of leadership and helping others.

Camila Fernandez:

SLC is always an exciting experience. No matter how you think it’s going to go, it always surprises you. When I got to the hotel, I was immediately greeted by the board and made to feel at home. I had been to my first SLC the year before, with a group of friends, but this time, I had arrived alone, so I was a little nervous about roommates and who I would hang out with at workshops, not to mention running for a board position and having to do a speech that night!

Fortunately for me, Key Clubbers are the nicest people around, and I quickly found a few friends to explore the hotel with and join the workshops. I joined a speed dating group, which got me to meet a lot more people at the event, as well as one about ICON, which was especially exciting as it was being hosted here in Atlanta and would be the first International Conference I could attend.

At dinner I got to laugh and talk with my new friends, and prepare myself for my speech, which ended up being a fun, yet nerve wracking experience. I got to meet people in my division who were attending, and got to answer questions about what I would do as a Lieutenant Governor if I got the position. When I got to my hotel room, my roommates and I were instantly hanging out and had a good time sharing our space and commenting on all the candidates for positions we got to listen to earlier in the night and ended up staying up late to just chill out.

The next day flew by. Lots of great workshops, and socializing, and listening to amazing speeches by impactful speakers. There was even one about an immigrant’s son, who became the first in his family to achieve a higher education, and who’s life became impactful to many through Key Club’s effect on him. There was also the arguably most fun event of the day, the Pie in The Face where we raised money for GSYH and got to see our favorite adults and board members get pied by the highest bidders in a mess of whipped cream! We also got to see everyone’s different clubs get awards, and my home club of Mountain View High School got awarded the Best T-shirt contest, as well as the Signature Service and the Club Social Media award! That night, it being our last one of SLC, we had a great party, some of us dressing up in our best pajamas and dancing until curfew and enjoying the friends from across Georgia that we made that weekend!

While the last day of SLC is always bittersweet, I loved getting to experience the last meeting with everyone and having fun together one last time with the seniors, and already being excited to attend next years for those who weren’t graduating yet. It was also a heartfelt moment, seeing the past board retire, and those who ran for a position at SLC getting elected and being officially instigated into the board, and seeing who people wanted to be in each position. 

If you ever get the chance to join Key Club at SLC, don’t hesitate to register! It is one of the greatest events to go to (aside from our yearly Six Flags visit with GLTC and ICON, obviously!) and you will carry it with you until the next year, whether you run for a board position or not!

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