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Writer's pictureOlivia Shim

First Key Club Meeting of the Year!!

Written By: Jackson Thomas, Mahika Patel, Joshua Song

Blue Ridge Pathfinders: Jackson Thomas (Division 1 Lt. Governor)

When my club first came together. We had a very small idea of what Key Club was, a handful of homeschoolers, and a mindset to change our community. At the first meeting, we ended up meeting a lot of people that we would go on to work with for the past two years. Being in that moment then, Key Club served as nothing more than another opportunity to spend time with my friends. But now, looking back on that moment, it still blows my mind that the people I met then are now going on to be great leaders in life.

Key Club is something that I will always be very proud to be a part of; being a Lieutenant Governor has been an absolute honor in serving the High Schoolers in the state of Georgia. But being a Lieutenant Governor is just a title. What I am more proud of is being a founding member of a group of people with the dedication to help make the world a better place. Our first meeting and elections were held on September 8th, where elected our President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Editor, and Webmaster. Shortly after, we held our Charter Celebration, and since then, we’ve been working to make our community a better place to send our members out into.

McIntosh High School: Mahika Patel (Division 7 Lt. Governor)

For McIntosh High School’s informational meeting on August 23rd, the executive board chose to do an ice cream social! The officers spent weeks planning and promoting this event. The officers put posters around the school, had promotional information on the school announcements, and promoted the club on our school’s weekly newsletter.

Our club advisor Ms.Nirenberg’s classroom was flooded with potential Key Club members. There were a couple of familiar faces, however the amount of new faces outweighed the old ones. I was stunned by the amount of students who were interested in joining our home club. At our meeting, we introduced the officers for the service year, promoted Key Club’s preferred charities, introduced upcoming service events, and discussed the importance of the club. After the meeting, we had eighty one students fill out the membership form. Compared to our previous service year, that is double the amount of members. Our officer team has been working diligently to organize events and fundraisers. I am confident this service year will be filled with plenty of laughs, service, and memories.

Lambert High School: Joshua Song (Division 13&14 Lt. Governor)

The first key club meeting of Lambert High School was extremely successful with more than 90 members present! Everyone at the meeting, including the members and officers, were extremely enthusiastic and were ready to serve the community through service projects and events.

Although not a school-level officer, I was able to feel firsthand that the club officers were ready to lead and serve the members. Led by our own District Events committee chair, Aaron So, and District Membership Retention & Growth committee chair, Christina Cho, the Lambert key club officer team looked firm, dependable, and proficient. As the club officers went through the presentation slides regarding the key club’s structure, goal, and opportunities, I could feel the excitement and passion of my fellow classmates as they listened.

Around the end of the first meeting, we collected the goods for the school clinic supply drive, including granola bars, lotion, paper cups, tissues, bandages, leggings, etc. After the meeting was over, last but not least, we gave out donuts for everyone who signed the form for key club, Yum! Overall the entire key club meeting was a success and we were able to recruit much more members!

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